Salesforce Consultancy

As Salesforce consultants, when we begin to understand your business and develop a picture of your processes, objectives and expectations, we are better equipped to provide impartial advice you need.
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As Salesforce consultants, when we begin to understand your business and develop a picture of your processes, objectives, expectations, weaknesses, strengths, threats and opportunities, we are better equipped to provide impartial advice on how Salesforce can help your business become smarter.

We understand that successful businesses constantly evolve. Process, people, marketing, aims and objectives change, which is why we introduced a managed service where we provide support, development/deployment and consultancy advice for a fixed monthly price for a fraction of what a full time Salesforce administrator would cost – we become an extension of your organisation.

Delivering return on Investment (ROI) has been key to our success. Some of the organisations we work with have experienced ROI of 300% just by improving processes, interactions with customers, staff motivation and the ability to make informed business decisions through insightful reporting. Sometimes it’s not working harder that transforms a business it’s more about working smarter.

Let us help you find those opportunities for your business today.

Our certified consultants help businesses every day with:

  • Salesforce platforms that are already setup that are only utilising a fraction of the benefits available.
  • Mapping the Salesforce architecture from the ground up.
  • Become smarter by automating business processes through Salesforce.
  • Integrating other systems and applications with Salesforce.
  • Identifying 3rd part applications which will improve business operations on both a micro and macro level.

Get In Touch

Contact a member of our team with a brief description of your project using the form below.
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