We help professional service businesses grow sales by at least 20%

Grow your sales by at least 20% with M4B’s combined Marketing and CRM service for professional services. Put your customer at the heart of everything you do, streamline your processes and boost your successes.
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Improving Customer Relationships and Growing Sales In Professional Services

Marketing and CRM for professional services puts your customers at the heart of your business in order to improve customer satisfaction, save valuable time and increase business success. 

Step 1 of 3

Our Experience In Professional Services

At M4B, we have years of experience in the professional services industry working with businesses in sales, accountancy, solicitors, and more. By implementing Salesforce and Pardot for professional service organisations, we help to maximise their marketing and customer relationship management. In turn, this world-leading technology and bespoke marketing service brings marketing to the standard it needs to be in order to succeed in an ever competitive professional environment.

With an abundance of marketing agencies out there, we know that results are what really matter when choosing a provider. So, take a look at a case study from our client Kennedy Ross to see what we did to help their sales training business become more efficient and grow. Or, if you’re all about the numbers, check out Kennedy Ross’ stats below. 

kennedy ross
Increase in leads YoY
+ 0 %
Increase in conversion rate
+ 0 %
Increase in organic website traffic
+ 0 %
Increase in social traffic
+ 0 %
Increase in all website traffic
+ 0 %
Leads generated in 2019
+ 0

Making Your Business Customer-Centric

In order to be successful, companies must excel in:

    1. Attracting prospects
    2. Converting prospects into customers
    3. Retaining customers

As the world and technology evolve around us, so do customers and their expectations. Whether you’re working in accounts or sales, customers expect a service that is both intuitive and catered to their needs. If you want to keep customers coming back and increase client referrals, you need to deliver this service to them.

We know that the professional services industry is filled with diverse businesses with their own needs. Consequently, you need a bespoke CRM and Marketing service that is specifically catered to your industry and the challenges you face.

The Sales & Marketing Funnel

By using Salesforce and Pardot systems in addition to our combined marketing and CRM methodology, your customers will be taken through the marketing funnel. From initial awareness to advocacy, we ensure there is specific focus on each stage of the funnel. 

Essentially the funnel ensures your customers will remain engaged with your organisation throughout their buying lifetime. This will result in them becoming your keen advocates and ultimately doing your marketing for you! 

In addition to other communications including pay per click adverts, search engine optimisation, and email, content and social media marketing, Salesforce and Pardot will be instrumental in successfully working through the funnel. 

A Solution To Suit Your Business

At M4B we understand that every company under the professional services umbrella is unique. That’s why we offer a bespoke, joined-up strategy of marketing and customer relationship management to ensure you get the most out of it.

Working in partnerwhip with you, we will get to know you and your customer, how you work and how your market works.

An initial marketing consultation will highlight where you’re at now. Following this we can develop a way forward, tailored specifically to you.

As experts in marketing and CRM, with exceptional results seen by our Professional Service clients, we are best placed to help drive your business where you want it go.

Find out how M4B can help the marketing and CRM for your professional service organisation today – call us on 01253 730463. Or, fill in the form below.

Get In Touch

Contact a member of our team with a brief description of your project using the form below.
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