Social Media Marketing

We love creating ground breaking social media marketing campaigns. As a clever and efficient way of increasing product awareness and raising customer engagement levels, social media is often an under used and miss-understood marketing platform.
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At M4B we work with you to develop your social media presence and create ground breaking social media marketing campaigns to engage with your target audience and create new customers.

What does our social media marketing service include?

  • Devising strategy and setting up platforms – First thing we do is devise a strategy for your social media activity and ensure you have the correct platforms setup for your business. We provide social media marketing for the below platforms, the ones we would recommend depends on your brand, audience and product.
    • Facebook
    • Instagram
    • Twitter
    • LinkedIn
    • Snapchat
  • Planning campaigns – We work with you to put together a campaign timeline – this allows full visibility when action points commence (e.g. posting a blog or tweet on a particular day). A campaign is a combination of marketing elements all consistently driving towards the same goal. Working alongside your other marketing campaigns, we plan social media campaigns to engage you’re your target audience and increase product awareness.
  • Reporting on activity – Reporting on your social media activity is key to explaining your progress and return on investment (ROI). We report on the statistics that matter and deliver it in an easy-to-understand report with professional insights.

Once the campaign is complete what you do next is just as important as the campaign itself. It’s time to push those leads into the sales funnel and start targeting your prospects. In conjunction with your CRM, we can help track them leads from the social media campaign to successful conversion.

Get In Touch

Contact a member of our team with a brief description of your project using the form below.
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