What is CRM?

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CRM is the process of managing all your organisations customer interactions and relationships in one place. This is often handled in something called a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) System.

Having a customer relationship system in place enables you to focus and keep track of your organisation’s relationships with individual people – whether those are existing customers, new prospects or even supplier relationships.

A typical CRM system is often integrated with your other business systems such as accounting software, websites and e-mail marketing platforms. Connecting systems together allows you streamline your business processes and remove unnecessary work that can be automated.

Why might you need a CRM System?

As businesses grow and you take on more customers, have larger sales teams and more streams of data coming in from multiple sources, keeping a handle on it can become tricky. Progressing towards your goals and maintaining visibility across the whole organisation becomes only possible when you have a system that acts as the hub of your business.